Believing that exemplary student effort and achievement should be encouraged and rewarded, and seeking to cultivate the ideals of service and leadership in our citizens of tomorrow, the governing body of the National Honorary Beta Club has instituted this organization for the promotion of these ideals and those stated in the Beta Creed, among elementary and secondary school students. To implement this purpose the following articles have been adopted.
The name of this organization shall be The National Honorary Beta Club. The name of each individual chapter of the organization shall be designated by the name of the school at which it is located.
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the ideals of honesty, service, morality, ethical conduct, and leadership among elementary and secondary school students; to reward meritorious academic achievement; and to encourage and assist students in continuing their education after high school.
The governance of The National Honorary Beta Club shall be the responsibility of the National Beta Club Board of Directors, and its officers and committees, as provided for in the Bylaws.
The National Honorary Beta Club shall consist of members as provided for in the Bylaws.
The National Honorary Beta Club shall have officers as designated in the Bylaws. The qualifications of officers, the methods of their selection, and their respective powers and duties shall be set forth in the Bylaws, Official Operating Codes, Minutes, Handbooks or Manuals.
This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors in attendance at any of its regular or called meetings. The proposed amendment must be provided to all Board Members and the Executive Director at least thirty days prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered. All officials of the organization are to be notified in writing of any and all amendments to the Constitution and shall abide by them as by the stipulations of the original Constitution.
Bylaws consistent with this Constitution may be adopted. Such Bylaws may contain any provisions necessary for the orderly administration of the National Honorary Beta Club and its affairs including, but not limited to, the governing authorities, officers, elections, and meetings; provided that should there be any inconsistency between this Constitution and the Bylaws, this Constitution shall prevail.
Procedures for voluntary dissolution shall be included in the Bylaws.